On 4/5/13 3:27 PM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
> Hi,
> today we have several modules who do something with UNO types
> udkapi -> contains UNO txpes for the URE
> offapi -> contains the UNO types for the office
> ridljar -> generate the class files for the types of udkapi
> unoil -> generates the class files for the types of offapi
> offuh -> generate the C++  header for all types
> The idea is to consolidate all this in the module "offapi"
> ridl.jar and unoil.jar are combined into either unoil.jar or a new
> offapi.jar
> And we combine the udkapi and offapi rdb in one types.rdb (today we have
> offapi.rdb and ure/shre/misc/types.rdb.
> Well some other places in the code and build env have to be changed
> accordingly. But I think this can be a nice task for somebody who wants
> to get started with something useful. If somebody is interested please
> let me know and I will the necessary guidance. The work is somewhat
> related to my 3lyer rework.

forget to mention that I use Python 2.7.1 on MacOS at the moment.

> Juergen

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