On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 11:39 PM, Samer Mansour <samer...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Rob could you possibly export the pages missing titles in a CSV, one per
> line?
> I'll check google analytics to see if there is a page visit export feature
> and then prioritize.
The data is from the Google Web Master Tools.   Anyone doing site-wide
website work should probably have access.  Want access?

I just took the current version and attached it to the BZ issue.

> I would also surface NL homepages for example, even if a language doesn't
> as many hit, the home page should be at least titled.
Some of these pages are NL pages, for example:


Figuring out a title for these is a little harder, but maybe the first
header on the page would be a good indication.

> I would document the output in the cWiki so that as pages are completed
> volunteers can mark done in a column. Slash if I get time I would tackle
> some as well.
I think the most efficient way to accomplish this this task is with an
editor that can search for these files by a regex and load them
automatically, rather than process a list of URLs in a file.  If done that
way I bet pages could be processed in 15-20 seconds each.

> As a side note if the goal is to improve in search results, let me talk to
> some colleagues that are familiar with SEO if they have any high ROI steps.
> ie. is there a meta tag like description that is highly used by search
> engines.

Maybe a topic for a separate thread.  In general we're doing very good on
the key searches. I have a small list of specific queries I've been working
to improve our position for, and I'm getting some success.  But it has been
more about producing useful, relevant, targeted content.  Meta description
gives you maybe a little edge, but the site is pretty well optimized that



> On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 6:49 PM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
> > I just entered a BZ issue :
> >
> > https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=122003
> >
> > "Missing <title> tag on many webpages"
> >
> > If there are any new volunteers looking for how to get started, this is
> one
> > easy way that does not require any programming.  We need someone to
> review
> > a bunch of HTML pages and add titles to them.  It should help these pages
> > be listed more appropriately in Google, Bing and other search engines.
> >
> > There are 874 pages missing titles, so this is something where we can
> > divide up the work as well.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > -Rob
> >

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