look on ebay........ if u cant find it there, write me back........... i take V*isa........*
On Sat, Mar 30, 2013 at 4:12 PM, Robert Hobdell <roberthobd...@live.com>wrote: > Dear Apache, > > I sure wish you would list 3rd parties who would burn CD's of Open Office > again. > > I have considerable trouble downloading anything over 50 MegBytes with a > dial up internet connection, a computer using the world's worst operating > system "Windows Vista" and Fire Fox which ain't all it is made out to be. > Windows Vista likes to hang up the phone early, even though I tell it not > to! > > Most of us are smart enough to read the latest version number at your > website and complain to the 3rd party if this is not what we received, or > in any case not blame you folks for errors by 3rd parties. > > If I had money I'd pay the cable or phone company for blazing fast > internet (actually have not seen it being all that fast yet), but I don't > have money and am doing volunteer database stuff for cemetery burials. > I'll try downloading one more time. > > Sincerely, Rob Hobdell w/Friends of Mount Moriah Cemetery > > > -- Please excuse any misspells or punctuation errors. Thanks Steve M Hawkins Sr Tech Consultant 431 Supply / A1A Services Inc Affiliated with IEEE and Eta Kappa Nu Honor Society (for Electrical and Computer Engineering) 404 Highway 431 South 404 Martin Luther King Pkwy Phenix City, AL 36869 s...@431supply.com www.431supply.com 706-478-9524 fax 334-291-1812 voice