On 08.03.2013 00:50, jorge ivan poot diaz wrote:

I have made the following changes to the source code:

ivan@ivan-Presario-CQ43-Notebook-PC:~/aoo/main/sd/uiconfig/sdraw/menubar$ gedit menubar.xml
<menu:menu menu:id=".uno:PruebaMenu">
      <menu:menuitem menu:id=".uno:SetDefault"/>
      <menu:menuitem menu:id=".uno:FontDialog"/>
      <menu:menuitem menu:id=".uno:ParagraphDialog"/>
      <menu:menuitem menu:id=".uno:OutlineBullet"/>
      <menu:menuitem menu:id=".uno:PageSetup"/>
      <menu:menu menu:id=".uno:TransliterateMenu">

<node oor:name=".uno:PruebaMenu" oor:op="replace">
                <prop oor:name="Label" oor:type="xs:string">
                    <value xml:lang="en-US">F~ormat</value>

The result of the build and deliver(They are in the following links):


I have already copied the main.xcd in my installation directory, but I have the following error in the soffice interface:

Imagen integrada 1

Menu does not appear that I have changed. In this case the Format menu. I want to appear instead of Format, Prueba.

Help me, I want to learn how it works source code of office.

I did not know the answer myself but was curious and tried to find out how this works. Here is what I have found so far:

1. If you want to know what the last deliver command did, even when it is run implicitly like in gbuild modules (like sw), then you can look at


     <platform> is something like wntmsci12 or unxlngi6.pro
     <modules> is something like svx or vcl or sw

2.  The menu XML files in an installed office are located on Windows in

<office>/OpenOffice.org 3/Basis/share/config/soffice.cfg/modules/<application>/menubar/menubar.xml

     <office> is the path where OpenOffice is installed.
     <application> is something like simpress or swriter

on other platforms the path may start slightly different.
I did not try it but I would expect that you just have to copy you modified menubar.xml over the right menubar.xml under <office>.


A patch for this change. Please.


2013/3/7 jorge ivan poot diaz <ivan.pootd...@gmail.com <mailto:ivan.pootd...@gmail.com>>


    I already modify the source code:
    gedit menubar.xml

      <menu:menu menu:id=".uno:PruebasMenu"> (----- ToolsMenu -----)
          <menu:menuitem menu:id=".uno:SpellDialog"/>
          <menu:menu menu:id=".uno:LanguageMenu">
              <menu:menuitem menu:id=".uno:HangulHanjaConversion"/>
              <menu:menuitem menu:id=".uno:ChineseConversion"/>
              <menu:menuitem menu:id=".uno:ThesaurusDialog"/>
              <menu:menuitem menu:id=".uno:Hyphenation"/>
              <menu:menuitem menu:id=".uno:MoreDictionaries"/>

     When I did the build in officecfg and postprocess:

     ivan@ivan-Presario-CQ43-Notebook-PC:~/aoo/main/postprocess$ build
    debug=true dbglevel=3

    ivan@ivan-Presario-CQ43-Notebook-PC:~/aoo/main/postprocess$ deliver
    deliver -- version: 275594
    COPY: ../unxlngi6.pro/bin/uiconfig.zip
    <http://unxlngi6.pro/bin/uiconfig.zip> ->
    COPY: ../unxlngi6.pro/misc/lang/registry_en-US.xcd
    <http://unxlngi6.pro/misc/lang/registry_en-US.xcd> ->
    LOG: writing
    Module 'postprocess' delivered successfully. 2 files copied, 27
    files unchanged

    I can not see what files I should copy in my installation folder.
    I already try with export VERBOSE="TRUE"

    But I have not the results.

    To start when I do the build I have not notice of officecfg and
    postprocess if are building

    Help me.

    2013/2/28 Ariel Constenla-Haile <arie...@apache.org

        Hi Ivan,

        On Thu, Feb 28, 2013 at 12:03:43AM -0600, jorge ivan poot diaz
        > Hello,
        > ls
        > I can not find: <Module>Commands.xcu

        <Module> is a placeholder, sorry for not been more explicit:

        [ariel@localhost main]$ ls

        where <Module> is one the modules in AOO.

        sw - WriterCommands.xcu
        sd - DrawImpress.xcu
        sc - CalcCommands.xcu

        > I have already been modifying:

        If changing this, do not modify the UNO command, only the menu

        Ariel Constenla-Haile
        La Plata, Argentina

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