anand.vasappanavara wrote:
I had written to Andrea for a getting in touch
with our IT Senior staff as mentioned in the forwarded mail below. This
is regarding obtaining permissions to use the tool (Open Office) for
professional work by our employees at Advanced Engineering department at
Tata Motors Pune India.

Hi, please note that you have written to several mailing lists, is always enough.

I hence request you please remind Andrea to respond with the queries at
the earliest to enable us to install the software on our PC's and start
working with it at the earliest.

I will gladly answer your queries, and feel free to follow up with private conversations if you prefer, but please remember that I don't provide (gratis or paid) consultancy services around OpenOffice and therefore there should be no expectations that I answer a message sent on Saturday morning by Sunday night (or even by the next Saturday): it might happen, but it might not. E-mailing a public channel, like you are doing now, is best for generic support. Relying on professional consultants is another option if you need tailored support.

Can you let me know when will Open
Office 4 be available for download ?

The latest plans were posted to this list and aim around June 2013.

    * I had communicated to you a while ago about the security issue
      related to these tools, can you throw light on it again. Mr
      Tarnekar & his team may interact with you further before giving us
      a go ahead.

If I recall correctly from previous conversations on this list, you were especially interested in disclosure of private data. I confirm that services that connect to the Internet (such as the update notification service) do not disclose personal private data or documents data.

And for software vulnerabilities, the project follows the standard best practices (private reporting, confidential fixes, CVEs, fixes in the first available release or a dedicated point release): but this part is so confidential that I don't have access to it, so if you need more information on this keep asking the list and if there is anything that can be disclosed the relevant people will do it.

    * Are there any licensing issues when Open Office tools are used at
      the whole enterprise level rather than used individually.

The license makes no difference. Check for yourself at

    * Can you provide us a feature comparison table of the latest Open
      Office suite tools with respect to the Microsoft Office tools (Ex
      Pivot table functionality in Calc).

This highly depends on your usage of Office and OpenOffice. It is often said that users use about 20% of the Office (or OpenOffice) functionality, but that 20% is different for each use case, so compatibility in general is good (and yes, Calc supports Pivot tables and related functionality) but details may vary depending on your specific use case. This is one of the fields where a professional consultant might be helpful.

    * Can you provide us with any known compatibility issues between
      open office tools & Microsoft office tools. (Ex Open Office Write
      file opening in MS Word & vice versa for editing/manipulating).

This is mostly the same issue, but in this case we maintain a list of fidelity improvements that you can find at
and shows that we are continuously working towards better interoperability.


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