Hi Rob,

Rob Weir schrieb:
On Wed, Feb 20, 2013 at 9:30 AM, Regina Henschel
<rb.hensc...@t-online.de> wrote:
Hi Andre,

Andre Fischer schrieb:


after some very hard work the Impress panels are now migrated to the
sidebar.  These are panels for

- Layouts
- Master pages (all, recent, used)
- Custom animation
- Slide transition
- Table

I have created new developer builds (version 0.7), please see


for details.  I made the Linux build with an older Ubuntu, so that more
people can try it out.  A special activation of the sidebar is not
necessary anymore.

I've unpacked the Windows version. It crashes immediately, when I use a text
frame, that is the shape from the T icon. :(

That's further than I got.  The built-in Windows XP did not like that
archive.  I took Andre's hint to rename the destination top-level
directory.  But then on extract it complains that some files are
password protected.  I extracted the rest but then I get an exception
when trying to run soffice.

I have no longer XP, but perhaps it is the same problem as on Windows7. On Windows7 the path to the user settings is far to deep. Try this: Unzip the archive, than move the folder "OpenOffice.org 3" to the root of the partition and try to start there.

How much more effort would it be to create a Windows installer?  If we
want coverage by QA volunteers (and we're waiting) we'll either need
installers or detailed instructions for how to get these archived
builds to work.  But since we're changing directories and such with
the 4.0 version it probably makes sense to get the install/configure
side tested early as well.

Using an installer you would need to tell how to make an administrative installation and how to edit the bootstrap.ini file. That is not better.

Kind regards

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