  Thanks very much for your summary!
  And the option 10 looks very good! I suggest we move forward to get a
development build out. So that not only we can get more UX feedback, not
also we can early start FVT for this big new feature.

- Shenfeng (Simon)

2013/2/21 Xin Li <>

> Hi all,
> Thanks for your votes and your feedback.
> I have summarized all votes from Facebook and mail list. The result is :
> A1:8        A2:7        A3:6
> B1:8        B2:8        B3:10
> C1:3        C2:2        C3:5
> For control style, it seems that many user prefer proposal B (Simple line
> separator). As Kevin's suggestion,noise reduction and consistency would be
> best. So separators between clusters may be better. So we use separators
> between clusters to separate the buttons of cluster.
> For content panel color, it seems that there no obvious winner. I would
> like to share my thoughts on the visual style because it is already relate
> to color topic when we do the side bar migration. As we discussed before,
> the current grey color used in AOO is dark and looks out of style. We
> should do some light-weight change in AOO. So maybe we should start
> consider the light-weight color change when we do the design and avoid to
> use dark color that make the UI too heavy.
> So I create a light-weight gray proposal based on the option we discussed
> before.I use a light grey on the side bar and use a gradient for the
> section title.
> And I also align the same light grey to slide thumbnail panel background in
> Presentation. Because the content area on the center should have the
> highest priority, the rest elements should have lower priorities, and items
> with the same priority should be treated with the same way.
> I have added the latest design(option10) to AOO UX wiki page. Please see
> the latest design by the link:
> Welcome to share your thoughts and ideas. Thanks.
> 2013/2/9 Manuel del Valle <>
> > I like proposal B (I think it's the most "stylish" one, and adds less
> > visual noise), but I tend to agree with Kevin's comments: I'd like
> better a
> > mix between B1 and B3: light grey panel + dark grey title. That way, it
> > does provide certain contrast for the title, but doesn't draw too much
> > attention to the panel itself, allowing the user to focus his/her
> attention
> > on the doc.
> > Otherwise, it does look nice ;)
> >
> > Greetings,
> >
> > Manuel
> >
> --
> Best regards,
> Xin Li   李欣
> UX designer

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