That's odd. I created a <form:text-input> field and it showed me an entry window right in the document where I put it. I could then simply type into the box that was part of my document. That is, in fact, what I expected.
The description of <text:text-input> in ODF 1.2 is for a situation where users are prompted to make an entry. It sounds like you want to implement the text entry function of <text:text-input> the same as for <form:text-input> (but without the form features?). - Dennis -----Original Message----- From: Oliver-Rainer Wittmann [] Sent: Thursday, February 14, 2013 01:50 To:; Subject: Re: [improvement idea] "in-place" editing of Input Fields in Writer Hi Dennis, On 06.02.2013 19:35, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote: > For "real" input fields, (that is, form:text elements), direct entry works. > I am not sure what you mean by '"real" input fields'. I am talking about the fields which are inserted into a text document in AOO Writer by Menu Insert - Fields - Other - Functions - Input field. These Input Fields are represented in ODF by the <text:text-input>. For these Input Fields we have no "in-place" editing in AOO Writer - as I have described. > I assume that the case being discussed is for conventional field values that > someone wants to edit. (Like a page number or a date field in a footer.) > In those cases, I suppose direct entry might be useful. But there is > probably something needed to avoid accidental type-overs and to also warn > that other actions might later over-write the change. Allowing for that, > allowing type-over seems like a reasonable improvement. > No, I am not talking about these kind of fields. Best regards, Oliver. P.S.: Sorry for the long silence, again. I had got another viral flue which knocked me out the last days. > - Dennis > > -----Original Message----- > From: Oliver-Rainer Wittmann [] > Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2013 08:23 > To:; > Subject: [improvement idea] "in-place" editing of Input Fields in Writer > > Hi, > > recently I got notice about our (from my point of view) very > user-unfriendly way for editing Input Fields in Writer. > Currently, you can not place the cursor into an Input Field which in > general is shown with a grey background when Menu View - Field Shading > is on. If you click on the Input Field, a modal dialog pops up. In this > dialog you can edit the Input Field's content. On confirmation of the > dialog the Input Field's content is changed in the text document. To > edit the next Input Field you need to click on it. There is also a > special key shortcut - namely Shift-Ctrl-F9. This key shortcut opens the > Input Field content editing dialog for the first field. This time the > dialog has a Next button by which you can confirm your change and switch > directly to the next Input Field. A Previous button is not available. By > Murphys law the dialog hides most of the time the Input Field in the > text document. > > I have got the opinion that such an editing experience is bad, > especially, if the document is a form which makes use of a lot of Input > Fields to be filled by the user. > > [ ... ] >