I am a high school (gymnasial) student in 12th grade from Czech Republic,
Prague. Since programming belongs to my biggest interests, I have a great
motivation to extend my knowledge and gain valuable experiences. So far I
have been learning through books, contests (codeforces, topcoder) and
mostly through writting projects with bus factor 1. I dare to change it.
Therefore I want to join Apache OpenOffice. I am slightly advanced in C++
and Java. I have just finished an engine for a card game called Raining
(variety of mau-mau) and going to post it as open source with hope of
finding someone who would help with UI (plus I created four different
strategies how to play the game, run simulation and did statistics).

As beginner with open sources I am still a little bit confused and not sure
where it would be the best to start. I would be glad for some advice.
Thank you.
Tomas Zahradnik

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