On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 12:24 PM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

> I'd like to run this by as an idea.
> Today, the announcement at the top of our website is controlled by this
> file:
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/content/brand.mdtext
> The "announce" and "announceurl" values  then enter into the
> templating process via:
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/ooo/ooo-site/trunk/templates/brand.html
> Specifically:
> {% block announce %}{% if headers.announce %}<div id="announce"><a
> href="{{ headers.announceurl }}" title="{{ headers.announcetip }}">{{
> headers.announce }}</a></div>{% endif %}{% endblock %}
> So what if we want to support images there as well?
> Two approaches:
> 1) Add additional possible value for brand.mdtext, "announceimage".
> Change logic in brand.html so it follows some precedence order, say
> look for announceimage first, if that exists, put an <img> there,
> otherwise look for announce and display that as a <a> hyperlink.
> 2) Or, we could just change announce so it is the contents of a <div>.
>  So brand.html is actually simplified, and brand.mdtext would contain
> the actual markup.  For example, it could be: announce=<a
> href="foo.html"><img src="foo.jpg" alt="foo"/></a>

The Announcements line already has a div generated for it ---

see generated source:

<div id="announce"><a
title="Read the announcement">Volunteers needed in all areas — Help us
make 4.0 the best OpenOffice ever!</a></div>

If this helps. Style is in:


But you are correct, the WAY this is generated would need some changes.

> #2 has the advantage of flexibility, that it allows other kinds of
> markup to be inserted there, including lists, tables, etc..  Of
> course, UI-wise, there is not a lot of space to play with, but it
> would have that flexibility.
> Any thoughts?

I would need to see some examples before any more thoughts on this. Right
now I think the format of the Announcements really needs some improvement
-- via margins especially.

Any images etc well might not work real well with current design.

If you have something particular in mind, some mockups would help.

> -Rob


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