Do you all know about this?
We now have an automatic build of the ia2 branch running nightly. (and successfully) It is not loading up install bits for some reason, but I'll look at that and fix it.

If you want to see the status of the latest build look for "Windows ia2 Branch" on this page:
that page links to the build logs <> and the buildbot log <>, and should have the latest build of the install packages.


On 2/9/2013 10:05 AM, V Stuart Foote wrote:

Nothing substantive yet in working through the Windows build of the ia2 branch. 
Should we build against Linux and OSX and be testing for impact on ATK/AT-SPI 
and NSAccessibility User Interface?

And, with QA and testing of the ia2 branch proceeding what mechanism should 
folks use for reporting and tracking issues on the ia2 branch builds?

Should we stay with PM and ML exchanges, or start to use Bugzilla at  I believe that starting with BZ tracking now  provides 
continuity upon merge of branch back into AOO4.00.

And, if into Bugzilla, would suggest a note in your AOO 4.0 IAccessible2 
release planning wiki that  QA participants and casual users report in Bugzilla 
categorized for consistency as against:

    Product: UI
    Component: AccessBridge
    Version: AOO4.00-dev



Sidebar--the legacy IAccessible2 enhancement bug could probably be revised

And here is a generic BZ search for accessibility issues

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