On 31 January 2013 16:29, Herbert Dürr <h...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 31.01.2013 15:55, janI wrote:
>> but it still highlight the problem I had in the beginning...our wiki has
>> really much valuable information, but to an extent it is shadowed by
>> identical information which are not maintained.
>> I searched for ubuntu build instruction way back, and as you can imagine
>> got confused. Thx. to the brilliant help from this list I got it up and
>> running.
>> I hope we in the short future can get our wiki a bit streamlined (I am not
>> thinking about removing information, but simply mark it as outdated, with
>> a
>> link to the newer information.
> I totally agree and try to do it whenever I stumble over something like
> this. I'd also suggest to reuse pages even if they contain obsoleted
> content. If their title is general purpose,  is linked to from many other
> places and easily findable then updating them is a better solution IMHO. If
> anyone needs to access their older outdated content it is good to know that
> it is still available via Wiki's wonderful page history feature.
>  @herbert regarding buildbot, I can see your point and agree with it.
>> However I still think we should document exactly how our binary
>> distributables are made. I have actually not been able to produce an exact
>> match yet where I have tried. When people want to play with the system it
>> is nice to have a stable start like rebuilding the release and the same
>> result.
> For the exact configuration switches please see the page [1] I linked to
> in my previous mail. To create an exact match on Linux you'd have to
> install the "oldest common denominator" system that is used to build
> releases. We can ask Ariel to provide all the glorious details of this
> system, AFAIK they are plain RHEL5 and RHEL6, right?
> These old systems are great for building maximum-compatibility releases,
> but IMHO they are not much fun For developing. I personally love having
> up-to-date versions of gdb, valgrind, perf-tools, git-svn, btrfs snapshots,
> KVM/virtualbox, python, etc. but maybe that's just my personal disposition.
> [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/**confluence/display/OOOUSERS/**
> Development+Snapshot+Builds#**DevelopmentSnapshotBuilds-**buildflags<https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OOOUSERS/Development+Snapshot+Builds#DevelopmentSnapshotBuilds-buildflags>
Herbert I totally agree and use newer versions of a lot, however I have one
VM that I try to keep compareable to buildbot, and when I one of my
(seldom) commits I run a test there first.

Also for "bug" finders, it is important (I think) to test with the same

I wrote it a bit badly, by my idea was to do as you do today, document the
build with new tool, and then in parallel mention that for a compatiable
build you would need xxxx, after all it boils down to getting libraries and
configure. And I am sure Arial could keep us updated on that (That is
easier than answering the questions multiple times in here).

> I'm looking forward to see and talk to you on FOSDEM this weekend!
I look a lot forward to talk to you, and others who have helped me a lot
during my startup. However I will not be on FOSDEM, that was decided about
a month ago, mainly due to some (for me) bad discussions in here, which at
that time caused me to reconsider the level of my commitment. Today I have
found my commitment, which is more behind the scenes, like updating wiki.

have a nice conference
Jan I

> Herbert

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