
On 21 January 2013 05:57, Louis Suárez-Potts <lo...@apache.org> wrote:

> I dislike using antagonistic rhetoric and tactics to give form to
> community identity. I confess I did this myself, early in OOo's career,
> but I never engaged in FUD--there was no need, the truth was good (or
> bad) enough--though I was no doubt frequently wrong.
> The current efforts by published journalists, intentional or not, to
> cast aspersions on Apache OpenOffice, to discredit it, and to cheapen
> the community's efforts, need to be addressed--but not with antagonism
> and not with anger. Errors, accidental or intentional, in Wikipedia, for
> instance, but also among journalists reporting on the successors to
> OpenOffice.org, must be corrected impartially and accurately. The people
> who benefit most from our work are the users who can rely upon a fair
> community which they can join and contribute to and do so with the
> satisfaction that their contributions are valued in the best possible
> way: by making the product not only better but more likely to remain a
> commons.
> best
> louis
> --
> Louis Suárez-Potts
> Apache OpenOffice PMC
> In Real Life: Community Strategist, Age of Peers
> @luispo

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