On Fri, Jan 18, 2013 at 9:43 AM, Ian Lynch <ianrly...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What we really need is a cloud version of AOO like Google Docs.

We don´t *need* ONE thing. That´s the beauty of open source, ´we´
could do *several* things.

I for one don´t ´need´ an AJAX / HTML5 version of AOO... GDocs is fine...

I personally think browser based apps are a pig, and doing apps in
JScript is insane. I had Chrome open the other day just with GMail and
it was using over 150 MB of RAM....

A thin client virtualized version on the other hand would use the PC´s
CPU and horsepower and deliver great speed to even to lowest powered

But of course, that´s going in a different direction from the current fad....


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