On 1/9/13 8:57 PM, Keith N. McKenna wrote:
> Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
>> On 1/8/13 6:02 PM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
>>> On 1/7/13 1:35 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>>>> Rob Weir wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Jan 7, 2013 at 5:32 AM, Jürgen Schmidt wrote:
>>>>>> I plan now with the following 8 languages for our upcoming AOO 3.4 1
>>>>>> respin:
>>>>>> Danish (da), Swedish (sv), Norwegian Bokmal (nb), Polish (pl), Korean
>>>>>> (ko), Asturian (ast), Basque (eu), Scottish Gaelic (gd)
>>>>>> Please correct me if I should have missed something!
>>>> Turkish should be really close. Turkish volunteers: if you have the UI
>>>> translation complete, please let us know immediately.
>>>>> There is a big list of OpenOffice-compatible
>>>>> dictionaries listed here:
>>>>> http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Dictionaries
>>>> This one is better:
>>>> http://extensions.openoffice.org/dictionary
>>>> Actually, if you open the former link, it will send you to the latter,
>>>> since we now only include dictionaries packaged as extensions.
>>> I plan to start building the first official snapshot tomorrow based on
>>> revision 1424891 on the AOO34 branch
>>> (https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openoffice/branches/AOO34)
>>> Further dictionaries can be included in a potential second snapshot.
>> I will start the build of the first official AOO 3.4.1 respin snapshot
>> today based on revision 1424891 on the AOO34 branch.
>> The new supported languages are "ast", "da", "eu", "gd", "pl", "ko",
>> "nb", "sv".
>> I will built a new updated source release, including the translation
>> updates. The only further change is in the scripts for building the
>> source release where I include the revision number.
>> @Ariel: can you please start the build for Linux as well?
>> Juergen
> Afternoon All;u going to want a separate Release Note for this or just
> an edit to the current 3.4.1 Release Note making a note of the
> additional languages?

I think we can extend the existing release notes, it's only a language
update. It's no big thing, only a huge release only important for users
of these languages.


> Regards
> Keith
> Are yo

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