Hi Pedro, hi Andrew,
Pedro Giffuni schrieb:
Hi Andrew;
----- Messaggio originale -----
Da: Andrew Pitonyak
If the change is made, a good first step is a spread sheet with test cases.
So you have a proposed list of functions that would be changed?
I did just a very small set of changes for asinh, acosh, atanh and a some
internal power functions .. just for testing.
Since there is interest in this I opened a Bugzilla issue with the patch:
There's also a spreadsheet with some basic tests.
Would want to compare expected group actual and old to new.
Would want to devise test cases against both common and edge cases.
Also curios about time impact, does it take more time or less.
Yes, the needed calculation time is critical. There are some places in
the code, where I had stopped a loop at a fixed count, so that the
calculation time is not too long.
The differences are insignificant comparing FreeBSD amd64 (with boost)
vs a VM running Windows XP with Symphony, but I am sure someone
can come up with more creative tests :).
For accuracy you need a comparison to a value which is calculated
without the restriction to data type double. For single values Wolfram
Alpha might work, for a larger set of test cases a computer algebra
system might be appropriate.
Perhaps someone not necessarily technically oriented, can create
a wiki page with a table of the functions in boost 1.48 that we may want.
Or the other way round, a list of our functions (copy from the template
in the Wiki), where we add, whether accuracy problems exist.
Some stuff like GCD and LCM is simply more work than is worth it but
if there is something that we simply don't have already (perhaps some
weird stats distribution) , chances are good we can bring it in for 4.0.
There is not much left, which we do not have and which is specified in
ODF1.2. And some problems are due to the restriction to data type double.
Using wiki pages is a good idea, because a lot of details have to be
discussed if we go this way, which will be too much for a mailing list
or Bugzilla.
Kind regards