Hi Regina;

----- Messaggio originale -----
> Da: Regina Henschel 

> A
> Implementation of FDIST as defined in ODF1.2
> The function FDIST (part 2, 6.18.22) calculates the left tail (integral from 
> 0 
> to x). The function LEGACY.FDIST (part 2, 6.18.23) calculates the right tail 
> (integral from x to infinity). The current implemention of FDIST in AOO is 
> actually “LEGACY.FDIST”. The function FDIST in documents written with OOo2.x 
> are 
> different from the function FDIST, which has to be implemented. I do not 
> speak 
> of the UI names, but of the names in the file.

This sounds like FDIST = 1 - LEGACY.FDIST

It should be easy to "fix" and I think it should be done before 4.x.

BTW, I am considering doing something drastic there, like replacing all the 
distributions with with boost implementations. Would there be any good reason to
avoid such approach?


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