janI wrote:
On 23 December 2012 19:31, Keith N. McKenna <keith.mcke...@comcast.net>wrote:

Keith N. McKenna wrote:

Based on extended discussions on this list at:
I propose to start merging and updating the User FAQ's from the website
into the current structure on the mediawiki (mwiki) and updating the
FAQ's already there by eliminating outdated references to version 1 and
version 2 and any duplications.

If there are no objections in 72 hours I will start merging the entries
from the website into the mwiki.

Keith N. Mckenna

  Good day all;

Just a quick update to where this mini-project is. I have jut about
finished all the modifications to the faqtoc on the mwiki. This is being
done through a copy of the template file so as to avoid multiple saves to
the template bringing the mwiki to its knees. Once the copy is finalized
the changes will be made to the actual template file and saved once. Though
tj has told me there should be no major performance hit by doing this I
will schedule it probably over a weekend when usage is lower to (hopefully)
minimize the hurt when Murphy inevitably bites.

I agree with tj, that is not a major burden for the mysql. Please be aware
that I am looking at moving wikitest to production before end of the
year...so please send me an e-mail directly, when you want to start
working, then I keep my hands off.

Jan I.


In my earlier discussions with tj his feeling was that what I will be doing should not have any effect on the upgrade procedures. As long as the underlying data structure remains with all of it's associations and links to categories there should not be a problem. As I told tj previously, I am a process engineer and spent most of career in manufacturing. One tends to develop a cautious and conservative approach when knowing that it is you who has to explain to the operations manager and the plant manager why there production line is sitting idle. <lol> I have been bitten by Murphy in ways that I had never imagined and I am sure he has more waiting in the wings or me.

If it would be easier to do the rest of the development work on the test part I have no problem doing that. We need the software update and the clean-up work desperately and I do not want to interfere with that work in any way.

I came across the following page 
appears to be a sandbox that was started for developer FAQ's and then
abandoned. There has been no development activity on it since 2009. Since
many of the faq's on the web site are aimed towards developers, I would
like to use this page as an index page for a number of different categories
of developer faq's. I someone with a better knowledge and background in
development could take a look at the page and if there is anything worth
keeping let me know.


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