2012/12/22 TJ Frazier <tjfraz...@cfl.rr.com> > On 12/22/2012 11:17, janI wrote: > >> On 22 December 2012 17:10, RGB ES <rgb.m...@gmail.com> wrote: >> >> 2012/12/22 janI <j...@apache.org> >>> >>> Before I upgrade our database (and system) to 1.20.2 I would like to >>>> >>> clean >>> >>>> some of the dead stuff. >>>> >>>> I would apriciate if some of the sysop could help me with >>>> - looking at special page/unused files and delete them (during upload >>>> people are warned this will happen) >>>> >>>> >>> I started to delete some unused files. There are an awful lot of them... >>> >>> That is why I need some help :-) >> >> but it does not matter if it takes a bit of time..I will not do the >> upgrade >> until end of year. >> >> >> >> >>> Regards >>> Ricardo >>> >>> >>> >>> - looking at special page/unsed categories and delete them (WATCH out, >>>> at >>>> least one russian template has a remark "please do not delete") >>>> >>>> there are too much for me alone. >>>> >>>> Once it has been done, I will clean it from the database, so we have a >>>> slimmer system, without loosing any information. >>>> >>>> Jan. >>>> >>>> >>> >> Hi, Jan, > > Cleaning out some files, I found a lot of students doing their homework on > the wiki :/
I also found a couple of wallpapers and some maps of German cities... I just arrived up to June 2008 deleting unused files, later I'll go on. If someone else wants to give a hand, it is welcomed ;) Regards Ricardo > so I hope you will run your "delete stale unused accounts" script again, > and with the date updated to the next month. We should get rid of a lot of > stale accounts. > > BTW, I am adding a request to the Wiki Maintenance page, to install the > "CheckUser" extension. I want to use that to fight the spammers. > > /tj/ > > >