On Dec 17, 2012, at 12:44 PM, Dave Fisher wrote:

> On Dec 17, 2012, at 10:56 AM, Daniel Shahaf wrote:
>> Dave Fisher wrote on Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 10:20:05 -0800:
>>> On Dec 17, 2012, at 9:29 AM, Kay Schenk wrote:
>>>> On Sun, Dec 16, 2012 at 3:54 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Andrea,
>>>>> On Dec 16, 2012, at 2:44 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
>>>>>> Dave Fisher wrote:
>>>>>>> I think that we can purge these *.htm duplicates, but if we do it
>>>>>>> will be a "sledgehammer" build.
>>>>>> It will also be a problem, unless we accompany it with other changes: 
>>>>>> for example, http://www.openoffice.org/pt/ would completely break, and 
>>>>>> all external sites that now link to some of our .htm files would break 
>>>>>> too.
>>>>> Got it.
>>>>>>> It was intentional. Before doing so we would need to make a group
>>>>>>> decision about how to treat the two types of files.
>>>>>> Regardless of what templates we apply, the best solution should:
>>>>>> 1) Allow a .htaccess redirect/rewrite from .htm to .html (to preserve 
>>>>>> existing internal and external links)
>>>>>> 2) Have the SVN file names match the URLs: editing a file named 
>>>>>> "news.htm" in SVN should not result in a change in a page with URL 
>>>>>> ".../news.html". The current handling confuses the CMS too (for example, 
>>>>>> no diff is reported). So either we mass-rename files from .htm to .html 
>>>>>> and rely on 1) above, or we don't change .htm to .html but publish .htm 
>>>>>> URLs.
>>>>> We need only do (1) and I would do it within the httpd config like our 
>>>>> existing redirects. Regardless if there are both file1.htm and file1.html 
>>>>> in the source, one of these must be removed from the source svn.
>>>> Dave, Andrea --
>>>> Only ONE copy is in source, the "htm" file. The duplicate gets
>>>> generated from CMS -- but the new "html" is the most recent copy (on
>>>> the actual web tree) -- generated from "htm".
>>>> Could we fix our templating to just continue to allow for "htm"
>>>> instead of combing them as we're doing now?
>>> It can be tried on a local copy. The prospective changes are required in 
>>> lib/view.pm, but exactly what these changes are I am "guessing" at this 
>>> point.
>>> It will be something about determining which type of page htm vs. html and 
>>> then make the appropriate call here:
>>> I think, but do not know. If someone wants to experiment on a local build 
>>> then I'll give pointers, but I may not have time to check for a day or two.
>> I think you could define:
>> sub htm_page {
>> my (@r) = html_page @_;
>> $r[1] = 'html' if $r[1] eq 'htm';
>> @r
>> }
>> and then use that in path.pm.
> Thank you. I'll give that a try in a few hours when I finish my work day.
> Meanwhile it is likely that you will delay the JIRA issue. I'll keep you 
> posted both here and there.

Actually the r[1] line needed to be reversed.

Here is the patch about to be applied:

Index: view.pm
--- view.pm     (revision 1423170)
+++ view.pm     (working copy)
@@ -101,6 +101,12 @@
     return Template($template)->render(\%args), html => \%args;
+sub htm_page {
+ my (@r) = html_page @_;
+ $r[1] = 'htm' if $r[1] eq 'html';
+ @r
 sub sitemap {
     my %args = @_;
     my $template = "content$args{path}";
Index: path.pm
--- path.pm     (revision 1423170)
+++ path.pm     (working copy)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
        [qr!rightnav.mdtext$!, single_narrative => { template => 
"navigator.html" }],
        [qr!\.mdtext$!, single_narrative => { template => 
"single_narrative.html" }],
        [qr!\.html$!, html_page => { template => "html_page.html" }],
-       [qr!\.htm$!, html_page => { template => "html_page.html" }],
+       [qr!\.htm$!, htm_page => { template => "html_page.html" }],
 ) ;
 # for specifying interdependencies between the files

We can discuss the cleanup of the old *.html files later.


> Regards,
> Dave

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