On 16 December 2012 21:18, Regina Henschel <rb.hensc...@t-online.de> wrote:

> Hi Jan,
> janI schrieb:
>  Danke..
>> On 16 December 2012 19:17, Regina Henschel <rb.hensc...@t-online.de>
>> wrote:
>>  Hi Jan,
>>> janI schrieb:
>>>   Hi.
>>>> I have to make some 3D construction drawings, I tried to use draw, but
>>>> is
>>>> seems that the 3D functionality is very limited ??
>>> The 3D-engine is limited concerning shadows, but the rest is usable. Only
>>> the UI needs an improvement.
>>>  What I would like to was to create a half "ball" out of a circle (a dome
>>>> for an astromony observatory, a hobby of mine, when I do not work on
>>>> MWIKI
>>>> or l10n), and then add some cutting lines etc, for a mechanic to follow.
>>> Do you have already enabled the set of predefined 3D-objects? Right click
>>> the drawing toolbar > Customize > Check "3D-objects". The set contains a
>>> "Half-Sphere". Perhaps that is already what you are searching for.
>>>  That helped me halfway.
>>> Do you know the chapter about 3D-Objects in the Draw-Guide? I ask because
>>> it is not clear, how much do you already know about 3D objects. For
>>> example, do you know the difference between object properties and scene
>>> properties?
>> No problem in asking, I know a lot about 3d objects...I used to use 3Dmax,
>> but working with AOO, I felt I should give draw a try.
> Then you will probably stay with 3Dmax.

Would love to, but I cannot afford to use it as a private person, I used to
work with it in a company.

But I trust that draw will do what I need, AOO is a good package !!

>> Working with updating the wiki, I tried to use it :-)
>> but the page:
>> http://wiki.openoffice.org/**wiki/Draw_Guide<http://wiki.openoffice.org/wiki/Draw_Guide>
>> is very empty ??
>> so where is the guide ?
> Documentation are made by ODFAuthors.
> http://www.odfauthors.org/**libreoffice/english/draw-guide<http://www.odfauthors.org/libreoffice/english/draw-guide>
> You can use the LO guides, the difference is small.

Thanks, maybe we should update our wiki pages at some point.

>>>  Am I wrong or is the 3D support limited to presentation and not really
>>>> fit
>>>> for drawing (in case not is there any work in progress) ?
>>> No, the objects are the same in Draw and Impress. One difference between
>>> Impress and Draw is, that you have animation in Impress and that you have
>>> layer in Draw.
>>>  In case not, can anybody recommend a good tool, where I can import the
>>>> files in AOO and write the documents.
>>> What part of AOO you want to use? If you will use Writer, then the
>>> 3D-application should be able to export to pictures. If you will produce
>>> a
>>> presentation in Impress, then Flash might work as well, you can use the
>>> Flash plugin.
>> I actually just need draw...I have to make a drawing of a dome, made of
>> triangels.
> That will only work using macros, because the rotation does not use
> triangles and extrusion will not generate a half sphere. You would have to
> place each triangle individually and that is practically nearly impossible
> with the current UI.
>  So my idea was to take a half sphere and draw lines on it...in
>> 3Dmax that is a piece of cake, because you work in 2d with X,Y,Z planes
>> and
>> it generates the 3d object.
> Therefore I ask what do you want to do with the result. If it will become
> a picture in the target, why not using 3Dmax?
> Drawing 3D-lines will be hard; using hatching or picture texture might be
> easier. But if it was easy in 3Dmax, I would use that application.
> Kind regards
> Regina

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