On 12/16/2012 01:41, Kevin Grignon wrote:
KG01 - see comments inline

On Dec 15, 2012, at 11:31 PM, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:

On 08/12/2012 RGB ES wrote:
Some users, mostly when reading an existing document, tend do disable the
view of comments with View → Comments. The problem with this option is that
comments disappear *completely*, which increase the risk of deleting a note
by accident.

KG01 - The system should avoid deleting hidden elements. Should the system try 
to delete content which includes a hidden comment, we should inform the user of 
the consequence of the action, and provide a way to quickly review the comment, 
in context, and give them options on how to proceed. Options could include 1) 
delete content and comment, 2) delete content and push comment to cursor 
location 3) or cancel action.

I agree this can be a usability problem.

So I think there are two point that can be considered:
1- Set by default the option of viewing note anchors even when "view
comments" is disabled.

KG01 - View option for common objects could be simplified. With some task pane 
toolbar view options (clipart gallery, navigator, etc) moving to sidebar task 
pane, we could push a high frequency view options command (dropdown) to the 
main toolbar. Where one click on/off could control view options, such as 

This makes sense, but then we would have to add an option at least in Tools - Options - 
Writer - View to hide comment anchors too (and it would have to be active only if 
"Comments" in unset... not very friendly).

2- Make note anchor show a tooltip with the note content, the same way
footnote anchors show footnote content when hover over it, but of course
only when "view comment" is disable.

KG01 - we could explore user friendly action tool bars as a way to reveal 

This would work, but the user wouldn't get rid of comments completely. He would 
still see the anchor and I don't know how annoying this would be.

KG01 - I'll add this to the ux backlog. This is an area where we should sketch 
out some concepts, then socialize for feedback.

Definitely a good question for UX!

KG - Yup. Keep 'em coming :)


While you're thinking about visibility, please think about bookmarks. Totally invisible, very deletable, combination undesirable.


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