
Sorry for the delay answering.

> From: Alexandro Colorado  
>On 12/1/12, Pedro Giffuni <p...@apache.org> wrote:
>> FWIW;
>> After updating Python to 2.7.3 I started working on updating
>> pyuno so that it works with Python3 and Python2. I didn't
>> finish and I don't really have much time for that lately but
>> I will be glad to point someone else in the right direction.
>Any logs on the modifications or issues for the migration?

A nice website for this is:

There is a 2to3 python script that helps a lot but you have to avoid
making changes that can break the build with Python 2.7.3.

The python part is under control. What requires most care now is
converting the C part of pyuno. Just try to use the system
python and set up the environment variables for python3 and
you will notice exactly what is missing.

When we decide to switch, the next step is updating the tarball
and making sure it builds on all supported platforms.

>> Adding support for Python3 in pyuno is important and people
>> that make their own packages will need it but in general I would
>> advice against doing the update to 3.x by default now. Let others
>> deal with the migration issues first ;).
>Crazy idea here, but can we componetize the pyuno bridge, and offer it
>as an extension using it's own virtualenv. That way Python3 could be
>enable or disabled?
>Having a pre-compiled pyuno3.so provided as a packaged could help
>users choose or prepare. However the extension would need to be smart
>enough to know the OS/Arquitecture/Version of the installed OO?

Can't help there, sorry.


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