The Apache OpenOffice PMC announces the addition of committer
Yang Wei, weiyang@

The list of all current podling committers is at:
[ Not updated in real time; it might not reflect the new addition ]

Committers have a defined role in the workings of the Apache Software

For new committers:

First, please read through the "Guide for New Committers":**committers-guide.html<>
There is some
useful information there related to email, security, etc.

Secondly, you can control your profile and settings by using your
Apache User ID and password, supplied for your Apache account,
to log on to <>.  There you can change your
password to one of your choosing.  In addition, please add the
other e-mail addresses that you want to be known by.  If you want
to change the forwarding of e-mail in the future, use
the profile to accomplish that.

Finally, you are now authorized to make commits to the Apache
OpenOffice SVN repository and other repositories established
for committers.  Use the https: version of the SVN URL.  Your
Apache ID and password will be required on your first commit.
Use options to retain your credentials for future commits if

[ Note: The privileges apply to the new repository URL, so they will work
only after SVN has been relocated; in the meantime, the best way to test
committer privileges is to access Pootle or other services ]

 - the Apache OpenOffice PMC

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