Hi Rob,
Hi all,

2012/12/2 Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org>

> Let me describe a possible future, and maybe you (and others) can help
> influence it.  I'm not a documentation expert but I can help some.
> But mostly I can help on the recruitment side.
> Imagine we do the following:
> 1) Create a new d...@openoffice.apache.org list

It would be OK for me to participate, but not as a moderator, due to my too
basic English.
I profit from this post to perhaps commit a sacrilege ;-)
Why not publish the documentation directly on Wikipédia, with a double
licence, ALv2.0 and GFDL, for instance?  Is it impossible for questions of
licences, organization, political reasons .... Wikipédia has a  lot of good
contributors in different languages, a big visibility, you can do
documentation and marketing at the same time....


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