On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 7:24 PM, Joe Schaefer <joe_schae...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> CMS stuff won't work til I upgrade the
> paths- sorry, that won't be til tomorrow.

Hi Joe, how is this looking?


>> From: Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com>
>>To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
>>Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 6:29 PM
>>Subject: Re: Our SVN moved from "incubator/ooo" to "openoffice"
>>On 11/26/2012 03:19 PM, Rob Weir wrote:
>>> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 6:01 PM, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> [top posting]
>>>> hmmm...OK, I switched the svn for the project website to:
>>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openoffice/site/trunk/
>>>> This is the only part I needed for now.
>>>> I made some edits, and committed them...all good.
>>>> But, they are NOT reflected on the old/actual staging site:
>>>> http://openofficeorg.staging.apache.org/openofficeorg/pmc-faqs.html
>>> Did you check in the changes via Subversion or via the CMS?  If you do
>>> it via Subversion you need to click the "update" link to force the CMS
>>> to fetch the latest files from SVN.
>>I did it with subversion. But usually when I do this and commit, I can
>>bring up the staging copy, and assuming the build is done, can see the
>>changes on staging. I don't even use the "update" link. (???)
>>Or alternatively. if I use "Easy Publish", I use "Diff" to see the
>>changes in staging before publishing.
>>Maybe someone else can try to publish something to the new project web
>>site location, and have different results. If so, please share what you did.
>>> -Rob
>>>> and I'm not sure where this is now.
>>>> Maybe I need to do a re-published but, well, I don't know if a new "web"
>>>> area needs to be established first.
>>>> I'll comment on our existing ticket for this.
>>>> The user portal, www.openoffice.org, should work without issue (maybe?). It
>>>> already has a basically a top-level web area.
>>>> On 11/26/2012 02:49 PM, janI wrote:
>>>>> Got it...I just thought you had removed "incubator" in all links.
>>>>> Jan.
>>>>> On 26 November 2012 23:46, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 5:44 PM, janI <j...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>> I was thinking of http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openoffice/
>>>>>>> ooo-site/trunk/content/l10n
>>>>>>> The l10n branch is one I have created for development, and it contains
>>>>>> only
>>>>>>> the source trunk at least yesterday, when I did an update, I am still
>>>>>>> working on "svn switch" to get my local copy updated.
>>>>>>> And it was merely the update that rob had made, that interested me.
>>>>>> So my changes were simple.  They were not renaming or moving files.  I
>>>>>> was editing the content of pages where they referred to locations in
>>>>>> SVN.  For example, we had a Subversion tutorial and another page that
>>>>>> told visitors where to download the AOO source code from.  Stuff like
>>>>>> that.  I don't think there were any L10n dependencies there.
>>>>>> -Rob
>>>>>>> Jan I.
>>>>>>> On 26 November 2012 23:37, Dennis E. Hamilton <orc...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>> Just go to <http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openoffice/> and browse
>>>>>>>> around to confirm that everything you are interested in is there.
>>>>>>>> (Are you thinking of the l10n under openoffice/branches ?  It does
>>>>>> appear
>>>>>>>> that all of openoffice/ooo-site and openoffice/site are there.)
>>>>>>>>    - Dennis
>>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>>> From: janI [mailto:j...@apache.org]
>>>>>>>> Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 13:48
>>>>>>>> To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: Our SVN moved from "incubator/ooo" to "openoffice"
>>>>>>>> #rob:
>>>>>>>> did you include subdirs in ooo-site, so that l10n and other are taken
>>>>>> care
>>>>>>>> of ?
>>>>>>>> mwiki might be a special problem, since there are loads of text, but I
>>>>>> am
>>>>>>>> more or less getting used to writing mwiki sql worms (right now I am
>>>>>>>> juggling with 63.517 spam user accounts), so I can have a look at it
>>>>>> after
>>>>>>>> the user problem.
>>>>>>>> Jan
>>>>>>>> On 26 November 2012 20:27, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 3:21 AM, Herbert Duerr <h...@apache.org>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On 26.11.2012 04:32, j...@apache.org wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Author: joes
>>>>>>>>>>> Date: Mon Nov 26 03:32:20 2012
>>>>>>>>>>> New Revision: 1413471
>>>>>>>>>>> URL: http://svn.apache.org/viewvc?rev=1413471&view=rev
>>>>>>>>>>> Log:
>>>>>>>>>>> mv ooo to top-level
>>>>>>>>>>> Added:
>>>>>>>>>>>        openoffice/
>>>>>>>>>>>          - copied from r1413470, incubator/ooo/
>>>>>>>>>> So our locations in the SVN repository were moved as discussed last
>>>>>>>> week.
>>>>>>>>>> Thank you, Joe!
>>>>>>>>>> Here are the instructions to switch your checkouts to the new
>>>>>> location:
>>>>>>>>>> In case you are using SVN natively please change into the directory
>>>>>>>> where
>>>>>>>>>> your checked out AOO and run
>>>>>>>>>>           svn switch
>>>>>> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/openoffice/trunk
>>>>>>>>>> there. If you are not working on trunk you have to replace "trunk"
>>>>>> by
>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>>> branches/bname (with bname being the branch name you are interested
>>>>>>>> in),
>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>>>> course.
>>>>>>>>>> In case you are using git-svn please change into the directory of
>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>>>> git-svn clone, open the file
>>>>>>>>>>           .git/config
>>>>>>>>>> and find the section named
>>>>>>>>>>           [svn-remote "svn"]
>>>>>>>>>> in there. In the "url=" line of that section please change the
>>>>>>>>>> "incubator/ooo" part of the URL to "openoffice".
>>>>>>>>> I've edited the websites in /site and /ooo-site to update around 7
>>>>>>>>> files that had hard-coded references to the old SVN address.
>>>>>>>>> I didn't see any mentions on the Mwiki.
>>>>>>>>> -Rob
>>>>>>>>>> Herbert
>>>> --
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> MzK
>>>> “How wrong is it for a woman to expect the man to build the world
>>>>   she wants, rather than to create it herself?”
>>>>                                          -- Anais Nin
>>“How wrong is it for a woman to expect the man to build the world
>>  she wants, rather than to create it herself?”
>>                                         -- Anais Nin

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