On 28 November 2012 18:47, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:

> On 27/11/2012 23:23, janI wrote:
>> On 27 November 2012 22:53, Andrea Pescetti  wrote:
>>> On 25/11/2012 jan iversen wrote:
>>> I agree we should have this stuff versioned (actually, all configuration
>>> files on the Apache infrastructure are versioned, but in distinct SVN
>>> repository). I'll check with Infra what's the best place for versioning
>>> configuration files and report back, provided I get an answer.
>> As far as I know, that is the only svn I have access to...and we do have
>> ooo-site in there, so it would be quite natural to have wiki as well.
> Infra (Gavin) says that some files already are under version
> control, and that the correct place to put config files is under:
> /infrainfrastructure/trunk/**machines/vms/ooo-wiki.apache.**org/<http://ooo-wiki.apache.org/>
> [Note: I don't know if he really meant "infrainfrastructure"]
> He says that some files under /etc/ are there.

That is the OS files (like apacheconf etc.), I am mostly talking about
mwiki php files and e.g. my user_removal script (from /x1), this is a lot
more than configuration files. An example is our page layout with banner.

> Gavin asks that you catch him (or another infra member) on IRC #asfinfra
> to agree on the best way of doing this.

he is a very responsive person, helped me quite quickly even though I made
a couple of beginner mistakes.

I will for now simply postpone the whole issue, Once it is all running I
will present the package, and then the community, infra and whoever else
can discuss if or where the files are to be stored.

Wiki is updated to reflect this procedure.

>  it is nice that all AOO stuff is in
>> one SVN, and that is nicely divided into distinct directories.
> We can disagree about the "nicely divided", but this is only aesthetic and
> not a blocker for this discussion!
>  they do have (of course) SVN for VM specific settings, but wiki php
>> files or mysql scripts, that is not part of their domain.
> Apparently they prefer to version application-specific files in the same
> way, but just find out with them directly as explained above, it's easier.

Which means I can find the original wiki files in their repository, that
sounds like a brilliant idea to find out what have changed during the
apache period, that will help a lot with the upgrade. I have found
/infrastructure in the repos but I cannot find the trunk/machines.

>  g) Make a test.wiki.openoffice.org. ...
>>> We will also need to have the DNS entry created in that case. Again, a
>>> JIRA ticket is needed. And the test installation should be configured to:
>>> not send e-mails; have a .htaccess password protection so that nobody
>>> opens
>>> it by mistake.
>> Actually we do have a number of aliases on wiki at the moment that are not
>> in the DNS
> Yes, but we only alias *.openoffice.org , not *.*.openoffice.org ; so
> test.wiki.openoffice.org won't resolve, while testwiki.openoffice.orgwould.
>  We need to have a place to test an upgrade, with mail, create user and
>> everything, otherwise we run a high risk when it is moved to production.
> Enabling mail is quite a risk. If I am watching a page and you edit it on
> test, I will receive a notification. If you bulk-edit 100 pages just to
> try, I'll receive 100 notifications! If it really needs to be enabled I
> would recommend to make sure it doesn't have side effects for the tests
> that are run.

ok will be done, wiki is updated.

>  And I dont think anybody uses e.g. "test.wiki.openoffice.org" or "
>> solelyfortesting.wiki.**openoffice.org<http://solelyfortesting.wiki.openoffice.org>"
>> without actually wanting to use it.
> Clueless users manage to do incredible things. See how the spam attack on
> the wiki has been understood by some to be a virus on openoffice.org(while of 
> course being totally unrelated). See how many people, before I
> added "If you need to edit pages on this wiki" to the wiki banner,
> contacted this list not understanding what a wiki account is needed for. So
> it's safer for everybody, and I'd warmly recommend, to put a simple
> .htaccess (you can even suggest username and password in the message box,
> and they can well be "test" and "wiki"!) on the test wiki, to avoid that it
> is indexed by robot.txt-ignoring search engines and attacked by random
> bots. It is a very small overhead, and there is concrete possibility that
> if we don't do it we will regret.
.htaccess is a real cool and simple idea, wiki is updated.

> Regards,
>   Andrea.

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