On 11/26/2012 13:40, Rob Weir wrote:
On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 1:16 PM, Dennis E. Hamilton <orc...@apache.org> wrote:
Is this to be based on the Symphony code?

Dennis,  we have Symphony code within IBM.  Remember, we wrote it.
Whatever code we check in is covered by signed ICLA's and CCLA's.
That should address all reasonable concerns with regards to the
provenance of the code.



"Cover concerns" in the larger sense, yes: nobody should be worried that we or our downline customers will be jumping on anyone's copyright, by using the material in accordance with ALv2.

But, in the smaller sense, maybe no. If the themes contain license information (presumably IBM's), then IIUC this /SHALL/ be changed by a duly authorized IBM employee before the code is added to AOO. (This is the same dull, demanding, and absolutely necessary job that Andrew Rist did for us, as authorized by Oracle.) A simple statement by Armand that no such license data exists, or by an IBM'er that the data will be changed, should allay any concerns; and we should feel confident of passing the RAT scan.


  - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Yin [mailto:steve.yin....@gmail.com]
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2012 01:07
To: dev@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: IAccessible2 integration for AOO 4.0

Thanks for both of your suggestions. The time table will be provided later.

On Mon, Nov 26, 2012 at 4:12 PM, Jürgen Schmidt <jogischm...@gmail.com>wrote:

On 11/26/12 6:59 AM, Steve Yin wrote:

I propose to integrate IAccessible2 as an accessibility feature for AOO
4.0. A wiki for the effort estimation can be found here:

Here is my question. Should I create a feature in AOO Bugzilla and a
for development?

Hi Steve,

this is good news. I would suggest that you give some details what do
you expect to implement when. The integration of IAccessible2 is a
bigger task and I don't see it all integrated in the next 4 month or so.
Creating a new feature task in bugzilla would be the normal procedure
and a new branch is a must from my perspective for this huge piece of work.

Good to see progress on this important integration.


Best Regards,

Steve Yin

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