On 11/24/2012 06:05, Martin Dodge wrote:
Please add me to the forum mail list. I am trying to determine why my
spellcheck has suddenly gone haywire.
Hi, Martin,
First, here is your one-stop-shopping link to help:
This provides all the latest links to the fora, wiki, mailing lists, &c.
AFAIK, the forum doesn't have a mailing list: you have to go there and
search a bit. (You don't need an account there to look around, only if
you need to ask your own question. The same is true for Mwiki.) You
should find lots of advice about spellcheck problems.
Your audience might question your terms "suddenly" (No new version? No
new extensions, or anything else that might affect AOO?) and "haywire"
(No misspelled words marked? Most words marked, wrongly?). Keep those
answers in mind while you are searching, and provide that information if
you have to ask.
We do have a mailing list, which you are welcome to join: see the
"users" list on the "support" link. Questions like yours are welcome
there (this list, "dev", is for the developers), but you would surely be
directed to the wealth of information on the forum.