Hi everybody! 
Oliver, my AOO coach gave me a tip on how to solve the 
problem I describe below.  He suggested that if his tip did 
not work, then I should notify all of you to see if someone 
else has the problem and possibly a solution.  His tip did 
not keep AOO from crashing, so here goes... 
On 28.10.2012 12:06, pain...@aol.com wrote:
> Hi Oliver,
>  Thank you very much for your responses so far. The upgrade
> to AOO 3.4.1  actually did fix the problem I had. And now there's
> a new problem I've  never had before with the OO software. Every
> so often, the program  crashes and then offers up a popup box
> that will restore the program. If  there is no password on the data,
> then it's just a matter of two clicks  and back in business. But if a
> password is on the data, then one of two  things happen: 1) I have
> to immediately reinput my password, which is a  hairy aggravation,
> or 2) the password is lost, so when I retrieve the  program I have to
> start over the installation of a password, which is an  even hairier
> aggravation.
> Is there a fix that will stop the  program from crashing?

Yours very truly,
Paine Ellsworth

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