On 13/11/2012 Rob Weir wrote:
On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 8:22 PM, Donald Harbison wrote:
Let's get the devroom right as a priority.

A draft of the Call for Papers/Talks (text only) is available at

Please review and improve it as soon as you can. Note that, not knowing if and how much funding we can allocate for FOSDEM, I couldn't be more specific there. Maybe Oliver has suggestions about that.

The submission page will be something similar to
containing the Call for Papers/Talks, practical information and a table for people to propose talks.

The structure is actually copied from FOSDEM 2010:

I'll be commandeering the openoffice.org banner for the near future to
attract new volunteers, something we've so far failed to do by giving
each other presentations at conferences.

As others noted, FOSDEM is a recruiting opportunity too: it's a free conference that thousands of people will attend regardless of Apache and OpenOffice. We might consider to:
- Send the Call for Talks to ooo-announce
- Feature FOSDEM as a "normal" news item on the website
- Push it to the main banner for the last days of the call of talks and the last days before FOSDEM.

This should allow to use the banner for other purposes too, but still get more visibility for FOSDEM in the most crucial days.


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