On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 12:14 PM, jan iversen <jancasacon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Andre.
> What I find "funny" is that in Ubuntu, I dont even get a warning about
> multiple declared symbols in windows I get the warnings but it works (with
> /force:multiple), so I will just overwrite the linker options in the
> makefile, that should do it.

Are these utilities standalone?  or do they have wider dependencies on
other C++ from the project?

If it is doing relatively simple file parsing and conversions, I
wonder if it would be a huge effort to port to Java and JavaCC?  Then
we would not need to worry about the platform differences.


> Thanks for your help.
> Jan.
> Ps. The flex people just returned to me, and gave me another possibility, I
> can use the -S option (manual says this is an option you will never use)
> and pass a skeleton file, that will overwrite the standard skeleton and in
> that I can change yytext.
> On 12 November 2012 15:49, Andre Fischer <awf....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 12.11.2012 14:02, jan iversen wrote:
>>> hi
>>> see below please
>>> On 12 November 2012 09:30, Andre Fischer <awf....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>  On 11.11.2012 22:06, jan iversen wrote:
>>>>  Hi.
>>>>> I would like to hear your opinion on the following problem:
>>>>> The l10n tools uses flex, which is quite nice, however I have found two
>>>>> problems with flex:
>>>>> - the .l sources defines YYLMAX, but the generated .c source declares
>>>>> yytext[YYLMAX] BEFORE the definition code it sucked in. I have verified
>>>>> this with the flex sources, nothing to do about it. the flex generated c
>>>>> sources start with flex things (including yytext[YYLMAX]) and then the
>>>>> first part of the .l file is included. The manual states to use YYLMAX
>>>>> to
>>>>> change the yytext buffer size, but with the current flex sources it does
>>>>> not work.
>>>>>  That is a good way, especially since I can make my own targets (yy.c ->
>>> .o) in the makefile. I will do that.
>>> But it does not solve the name issue (yytext), I will make a bug report on
>>> flex, and mail one I know that was involved in flex.
>> Sorry, I did skipped the second problem when I read your mail the first
>> time.
>> I just made an experiment with l10ntools/source/srclex.l.  When I add the
>> line
>> %option prefix="bla"
>> before the first %% then yytext is replaced but yytext_ptr is not. Besides
>> yytext is not really replaced but flex adds a
>> #define yytext blatext
>> so that yytext, while not used in the rest of src_yy.c, it will be a
>> symbol in the object file.
>> That will likely cause problems when linking two lexers into the same
>> library/executable, which usually the reason for the renaming in the first
>> place.
>> Telling flex to produce C++ output might help (replace option -l with
>> --c++) but that would require additional work (at least you have to change
>> the compilation rules in makefile.mk to compile C++ instead of plain C).
>> I am sorry to be of no help.
>> -Andre
>>> Jan
>>>  - the .l sources defines a '%option prefix="genXrm_"`which according to
>>>>> the
>>>>> manual should replace all yy in the generated code, however it does not
>>>>> work for yytext and yytext_ptr, because the are instanciated before the
>>>>> code is included.
>>>>> The leads to two problems:
>>>>> - YYLMAX not being used, it a performance degradation on all platforms
>>>>> (but
>>>>> no real problem).
>>>>> - yytext not being changed, is in Ubuntu (linux) not a problem, but in
>>>>> windows I had to use a new swich (/forcemultiple), and I have no clue
>>>>> about
>>>>> mac.
>>>>> I see different solutions:
>>>>> 1) I edit the generated .c file, and make a thick note, that if the .l
>>>>> file
>>>>> is translated, that has to be changed.
>>>>> 2) I create a sed that takes the output of flex and does the trix, this
>>>>> requires changing the details of the make files.
>>>>> 3) I report the bug to the flex people with a patch, and we wait until a
>>>>> new version is ready.
>>>>> I am for version 1), but I would like to hear opinions ?
>>>>>  I found an answer via Google on another Apache mailing list (Apache
>>>> Thrift):
>>>> http://markmail.org/message/****hgphhaciu6nxwtk7#query:+page:****<http://markmail.org/message/**hgphhaciu6nxwtk7#query:+page:**>
>>>> 1+mid:hgphhaciu6nxwtk7+state:****results<http://markmail.org/**
>>>> message/hgphhaciu6nxwtk7#**query:+page:1+mid:**
>>>> hgphhaciu6nxwtk7+state:results<http://markmail.org/message/hgphhaciu6nxwtk7#query:+page:1+mid:hgphhaciu6nxwtk7+state:results>
>>>> **>
>>>> In short:
>>>>      Add "CPPFLAGS='-DYYLMAX=whatever'" to the compiler invocation (not
>>>> the
>>>> call to flex that converts %lex.l to %_yy.c)
>>>>      However, if I look at l10ntools/source/makefile.mk, then I don't
>>>> see
>>>> an explicit compile rule for the %_yy.c files.  You may have to add one.
>>>> Oh, and I think option 3) would be good to do also, without the waiting
>>>> part.
>>>> -Andre

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