On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 6:09 PM, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:
> Here's a collection of all materials we have so far about ApacheCon EU. This
> may be especially useful if someone wants to prepare a post-conference press
> release or blog post, something with a more organic structure than the
> "daily reports". I think most of the conference content hasn't received
> appropriate coverage in press yet.
> Daily reports from the conference are available at:
> - http://s.apache.org/openoffice-aceu2012-day-1
> - http://s.apache.org/openoffice-aceu2012-day-2
> - http://s.apache.org/openoffice-aceu2012-day-3
> Presentation abstracts are reachable from
> http://www.apachecon.eu/schedule/
> (note: the name in the schedule is the speaker, which is often different
> from the author; open the links to see the authors)
> Slides and audio/video will be available sooner or later on
> http://www.apachecon.eu
> but if someone needs something specific Pedro has most of the slides and we
> are of course available to give more information.
> Pictures:
> - http://www.flickr.com/photos/awf-aoo/sets/ (Andre)
> - https://www.dropbox.com/sh/gabjkfhzqcyfw8p/ouBYojX5P9 (imacat)
> - http://360.io/LWdsMb (Andrew Rist, interactive 360 degrees picture)
> - MISSING (didn't make it to the list; Andrew Rist, group picture)
> - http://www.flickr.com/photos/89947020@N07/sets/ (Andrea, new!)

I've added these links to our events page, so we'll have this
information for future reference:


> Regards,
>   Andrea.

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