-- from Sally

-------- Original Message --------
NA: CFP final days & Early Bird registration open!]
Date:   Fri, 9 Nov 2012 17:36:04 +0000 (GMT)
From:   Sally Khudairi <s...@apache.org>
Reply-To:       Sally Khudairi <s...@apache.org>
To:     Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com>
CC:     ApacheCon Planners 2012-2013 <plann...@apachecon.com>

Hello, Kay.

The rate for Committers is $675 and is valid through 7 December.

I'm still waiting for the discount code, as it isn't in place yet. Once
we have it, we'll announce to the Committers list.

I'm copying the ApacheCon Planning team here for their follow-up. Your
email isn't the first we've received about this.

Thanks in advance, Planners, for your help with this!

= = = = =
vox +1 617 921 8656
aux +1 917 725 2133
skype sallykhudairi

    *From:* Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com>
    *To:* Sally Khudairi <s...@apache.org>
    *Sent:* Friday, 9 November 2012, 12:27
    *Subject:* Re: ApacheCon NA: CFP final days & Early Bird
    registration open!

    Sally --

    Can you tell me what the "Apache Committers’ Super-Saver Rate" will
    be for this conference. It isn't listed on the registration page and
    is supposed to be in effect until Nov. 26 I think.

    Kay Schenk,


    On Fri, Nov 9, 2012 at 3:37 AM, Sally Khudairi <s...@apache.org
    <mailto:s...@apache.org>> wrote:

        Hello everyone --

        Two items of note regarding ApacheCon North America, taking
        place in Portland, Oregon, the last week of February 2013.

        1) Call for Presentations has been extended to Sunday, 11 November.

        ApacheCon will kick off on 24 February with two days of
        pre-conference trainings, BarCamp, and hackathon; the main
        conference + expo is 26-28 February, followed by post-conference
        sprints, workshops, and team building events through 2 March.

        This year's theme is "Open Source Community Leadership Drives
        Enterprise-Grade Innovation", showcasing the diverse
        applications and solutions made possible by Apache technologies.

        We encourage submissions that demonstrate novel uses of Apache
        products and how they are helping to shape the future, including
        proposals on technical, business, and community matters for
        audiences at all levels from beginner to expert. Demonstrations
        of real-world experience in solving specific problems are
        particularly welcome. Submit your presentation and training
        proposals at http://na.apachecon.com/cfp/

        Dozens of Apache projects —from Abdera to Apache HTTP Server to
Zookeeper— will be represented across popular topic areas and tracks
        that include: Apache Daily (everyday tools, frameworks, and
        components), ApacheEE (Java Enterprise projects at the ASF), Big
        Data, Enterprise
        Messaging & Integration, Cloud, Linked Data, Lucene/Solr &
        Friends (Smart Search & Analytics), Modular Java, NoSQL Database,
        OFBiz (Open Source Enterprise Resource Planning), Apache
OpenOffice, Web Infrastructure, Business & Community, and many more.

        Travel assistance is available for select individuals who
        qualify. To apply, visit https://www.apache.org/travel/

        Selected Speakers/Trainers will be notified on 26 November.

        2) Early-Bird registration is NOW OPEN.

        The SUPER EARLY BIRD registration rate is $1,095 ($330 less than
        last year!), but you must register by 31 December, afterwhich
        the regular registration fee of $1,395 is in effect. Sign up
        today at http://acna13.eventbrite.com/

        Discounted hotel room rates are also now available: we encourage
        you to book your accommodation as soon as possible, as space is
        limited. For details, visit http://na.apachecon.com/venue/

        Updates will be posted on the @ApacheCon Twitter feed and the
        ApacheCon Website. We look forward to seeing you in Portland!

        --the ApacheCon Planning Committee

        To unsubscribe, e-mail: announce-unsubscr...@apachecon.com
        For additional commands, e-mail: announce-h...@apachecon.com



    “How wrong is it for a woman to expect the man to build the world
      she wants, rather than to create it herself?”

          -- Anais Nin

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