On Tue, Nov 6, 2012 at 9:49 AM, 1000 et deux IDées
<1000etdeuxid...@sfr.fr> wrote:
> Dear Sir or Madam,
> As a business manager, I have created a working method based on Open Office
> spreadsheets : do I have the right to sell this method to my clients via
> Internet and on paper ?

Is this "working method" distributed in the form of a spreadsheet
document, .e.g, an ODS or XLS file?

Or is is it included in a modified version of the OpenOffice Calc
program, where you have made source code modifications?

In the first case, we do not make any claims on the original documents
you create with the OpenOffice application.

In the second case, the OpenOffice application is covered by the
Apache License 2.0, which you can read here:


That license allows redistribution of the OpenOffice application, in
source and/or binary form, including commercial redistribution.  But
you'll want to read the terms carefully, since there are some notice
and other requirements.



> Thank you in advance for your reply.
> Yours sincercly.
> Catherine Kindroz
> 1000 et deux IDées
> 17, rue de Brocéliande
> Tél. 02 99 61 72 47
> PS : here is my request in French, should you want to translate it in a
> better english than I did :
> "Bonjour,
> En tant que gérante d'entreprise, j'ai créé une méthode de travail basée sur
> des tableurs Open Office : ai-je le droit de vendre cette méthode à mes
> clients par téléchargement sur Internet et sur support papier ?
> Merci par avance de votre réponse.
> Cordialement.
> Catherine Kindroz."

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