Hi, TL;DR: we plan to keep the repos available for Wallaby and Xena at https://trunk.rdoproject.org/ for a couple of months, but we won't build any new packages, nor run CI pipelines.
As you may know, Openstack have transitioned Wallaby, Xena, Yoga and Zed releases to unmaintained status [1]. After some discussions during the last meetings [2][3], we decided to stop building new packages for Wallaby and Xena. The reason is that these releases were primarily delivered for CS8 which is now EOL since the end of June of this year. We then delivered them on CS9 but haven't added CS9 coverage in upstream puppet-openstack-integration project (there were CS8 only), so there is no CentOS Stream coverage at all at this time. Instead of putting effort into adding it, we rather prefer to focus on the more recent releases. We plan to keep the repos available for those releases at https://trunk.rdoproject.org/ (both CS8 and CS9) for a couple of months, but we won't build any new packages, nor run CI pipelines. Yoga and Zed are also in unmaintained status but there is CS9 coverage upstream in both puppet-openstack-integration and packstack projects, and it's in a good shape, so we'll keep building and promoting. Note that this is only about unsigned RDO Trunk repos (DLRN ones). The signed packages in official CentOS Stream mirrors are unsupported as soon as releases go to Unmaintained phase. Best regards, Joel, on behalf of the RDO core team [1] https://releases.openstack.org/index.html [2] https://lists.rdoproject.org/archives/list/us...@lists.rdoproject.org/thread/GG7SVKS4MLUPWQTKE6KAY55U4EIS45ZS/ [3] https://lists.rdoproject.org/archives/list/dev@lists.rdoproject.org/thread/NH7IYPRCPS35YCXCVHJZTCPWSR5KU6FM/
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