#rdo: RDO meeting - 2024-05-22

Meeting started by amoralej at 14:03:49 UTC.  The full logs are

Meeting summary

* CentOS Stream 8 EOL status  (amoralej, 14:06:19)
  * reminder: CentOS Stream 8 EOL is on May 31st
    (amoralej, 14:06:50)
  * RDO Trunk builders for Wallaby, Xena and Yoga on CentOS Stream8 are
    stopped  (amoralej, 14:07:35)
  * no new builds will be created for CentOS Stream 8  (amoralej,
  * latest builds will keep available for some time in the new trunk
    server, in the expected URLs, i.e.
    https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos8-wallaby/  (amoralej, 14:08:45)
  * for CentOS Stream 8 users, the recomendation is to move to centos
    stream 9 as soon as possible  (amoralej, 14:10:37)

* RH Summit  (amoralej, 14:13:05)

* SWAG  (spotz[m], 14:22:18)

* Zed is now in unmaintained phase  (amoralej, 14:29:46)
  * Zed release has moved to unmaintained status upstream, that means
    that CloudSIG repos for Zed will not be updated, while RDO Trunk
    will keep building new patches in unmaintained/zed branches
    (amoralej, 14:30:41)
  * ACTION: amoralej to send a patch to update releases in rdo webpage
    (amoralej, 14:32:16)
  * ACTION: karolinku[m] will be RDO guard next week  (amoralej,
  * ACTION: spotz[m] will chair next meeting  (amoralej, 14:37:05)

* open floor  (amoralej, 14:37:27)

Meeting ended at 14:41:25 UTC.

Action items, by person

* amoralej
  * amoralej to send a patch to update releases in rdo webpage
  * karolinku[m] will be RDO guard next week
  * spotz[m] will chair next meeting

People present (lines said)

* amoralej (40)
* spotz[m] (21)
* karolinku[m] (5)
* opendevmeet (4)

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