============================== #rdo: RDO meeting - 2023-04-26 ==============================
Meeting started by karolinku[m] at 14:02:57 UTC. The full logs are available athttps://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/rdo_meeting___2023_04_26/2023/rdo_meeting___2023_04_26.2023-04-26-14.02.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * roll call (karolinku[m], 14:03:07) * Progress on pyproject macros adoption (karolinku[m], 14:03:53) * LINK: https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/pyproject-macros (amoralej, 14:04:34) * not found any big blocker which prevents us of moving to pyproject macros and fully automated req and brs (amoralej, 14:06:25) * some part of the switch can be scripted but it will need careful package-by-package work (amoralej, 14:07:08) * LINK: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdoinfo/+/48369/comments/840e4ab5_e796395a (amoralej, 14:12:48) * LINK: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-jobs/+/48365 (amoralej, 14:17:08) * decision about moving will be probably done in bobcat cycle (karolinku[m], 14:22:30) * Next chair (karolinku[m], 14:23:00) * ACTION: amoralej is chairing mtg next week (karolinku[m], 14:26:11) * Open Floor (karolinku[m], 14:26:29) Meeting ended at 14:32:38 UTC. Action items, by person ----------------------- * amoralej * amoralej is chairing mtg next week People present (lines said) --------------------------- * amoralej (38) * karolinku[m] (14) * spotz_ (11) * opendevmeet (4) * spotz (0) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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