============================== #rdo: RDO meeting - 2023-03-15 ==============================
Meeting started by jcapitao[m] at 14:00:19 UTC. The full logs are available athttps://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/rdo_meeting___2023_03_15/2023/rdo_meeting___2023_03_15.2023-03-15-14.00.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * Roll Call (jcapitao[m], 14:07:36) * Antelope release preparation update (jcapitao[m], 14:14:02) * LINK: https://issues.redhat.com/browse/RDO-84 (jcapitao[m], 14:14:12) * non-OpenStack puppet modules are built (jcapitao[m], 14:14:41) * core projects are almost built (still a few missing) (jcapitao[m], 14:14:51) * tempest projects are going to be built (jcapitao[m], 14:15:06) * next step is to branch OpenStack puppet modules (jcapitao[m], 14:15:45) * RDO will move to new bobcat branches and apply tripleo removal reorg (jcapitao[m], 14:20:46) * LINK: https://github.com/rdo-packages/metalsmith-distgit/blob/rpm-master/python-metalsmith.spec#L93-L103 (jcapitao[m], 14:25:48) * LINK: https://github.com/rdo-packages/ansible-role-openstack-operations-distgit/blob/rpm-master/ansible-role-openstack-operations.spec#L37 (jcapitao[m], 14:29:18) * LINK: https://github.com/rdo-packages/metalsmith-distgit/commit/52d7a64efd75800fe03b22de86fc4d0442e3adcc (tkajinam, 14:34:36) * LINK: https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/antelope-release-announcement (jcapitao[m], 14:35:55) * LINK: https://opendev.org/openstack/ansible-collections-openstack/src/branch/master/plugins/module_utils/openstack.py#L161 (amoralej, 14:38:24) * TripleO deprecation status (jcapitao[m], 14:41:53) * LINK: https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-March/032663.html (jcapitao[m], 14:42:05) * TC statement is that tripleo master branches will be deprecated and zed set to 'supported but no maintainers' (amoralej, 14:43:03) * RDO will remove TripleO jobs from gates or periodic pipelines for releases newer that wallaby (amoralej, 14:46:06) * Next Week's chair (jcapitao[m], 14:53:58) * ACTION: amoralej to chair next week (jcapitao[m], 14:54:35) * Open Floor (jcapitao[m], 14:55:12) Meeting ended at 14:59:23 UTC. Action items, by person ----------------------- * amoralej * amoralej to chair next week People present (lines said) --------------------------- * jcapitao[m] (66) * amoralej (46) * rdogerrit (12) * spotz (12) * opendevmeet (10) * tkajinam (9) * karolinku[m] (3) * karolinku (0) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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