On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 3:44 AM Takashi Kajinami <tkaji...@redhat.com> wrote:
> I've left some comments in the etherpad. Several puppet modules were required 
> by TripleO
> but are not used by p-o-i or packstack so can be removed.

Thanks, i've just updated the etherpad with your feedback.

> Some ansible roles such as ansible-role-atos-hsm are maintained under 
> Barbican's governance
> so the barbican team would have better insight.
> On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 4:57 AM Steve Baker <sba...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> I see os-collect-config/os-apply-config/os-refresh-config are in the retired 
>> list.
>> Package openstack-heat-agents are coupled with these 3 packages, as one of 
>> the agent options, and for bootstrap on a provisioned host. There may be RDO 
>> community usage of these packages independent of TripleO.
>> Can these be moved to non-tripleo openstack projects, along with 
>> openstack-heat-agents?
> I agree with this and these would be required to use SoftwareDeployment in 
> Heat outside of TripleO.
> However we first have to move these repos to Heat's governance, otherwise 
> these will be retired.
> I'll check with a few other cores and get back to you.
>> On 22/02/23 04:30, Alfredo Moralejo Alonso wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As communicated in an openstack-discuss thread [1] the TripleO team is
>> willing to deprecate master and Zed branches of TripleO repos. While
>> the process for Zed is still under discussion with TC [2], there will
>> not be new releases for Antelope and following releases. In the last
>> meeting of RDO we discussed how to manage this change in RDO [3], and
>> this is our proposal.
>> TripleO packages in RDO releases
>> - We will maintain TripleO packages in RDO in RDO-Trunk master until
>> the content of the master branch is removed. According to the info
>> provided by TripleO CI team, jobs for the master branch will keep
>> running for some time.
>> - Zed release is under discussion. We will follow the same approach as
>> for the master branch and remove the packages from RDO Trunk once the
>> branches are removed. We'll keep them if they stay in Extented
>> Maintenance.
>> - For Antelope release, which is under preparation for GA, we will not
>> include TripleO packages in CloudSIG official repos. We will also
>> remove them rpm RDO Trunk once we have confirmation from the TripleO
>> CI team that they don't need it anymore (or with master branch removal
>> at latest)
>> Currently, TripleO component includes 102 packages but not all of them
>> are TripleO specific:
>> - Non-tripleo puppet modules: we will maintain those in a new
>> component "puppet".
>> - Some packages for OpenStack services Heat, Zaqar and Mistral. We
>> need to look for new components for those, would common be a good fit?
>> - Non-TripleO ansible roles: are those used out of TripleO? I guess
>> not, but I'm willing to get feedback from RDO users about what may be
>> useful so that we can move it to another component
>> - TripleO packages. To be retired. If any package can be useful for
>> any other deployment tool, those may be moved to the suitable
>> component too.
>> You can find the entire list of packages in
>> https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/post-tripleo-proposal , feel
>> free to check it and provide any feedback there.
>> RDO definition-of-done
>> Since last releases, the release criteria for new releases of RDO has
>> been based on puppet-openstack-integration, packstack (which also
>> relies on OpenStack Puppet modules) and TripleO jobs results.
>> This change forces us to adapt the RDO definition of done. In Antelope
>> the release criteria will be only based on the
>> puppet-openstack-integration and packstack jobs (8 jobs) Correct for
>> Antelope. Going forward, we will reevaluate this in future releases.
>> We will continue refining this plan the next few weeks, please let us
>> know any doubt or suggestion that you may have on this thread, in #rdo
>> or in the weekly meetings (wed. 14:00 UTC in #rdo).
>> Best regards,
>> Alfredo
>> [1] 
>> https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-February/032083.html
>> [2] 
>> https://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-discuss/2023-February/032238.html
>> [3] 
>> https://meetings.opendev.org/meetings/rdo_meeting___2023_02_15/2023/rdo_meeting___2023_02_15.2023-02-15-14.03.log.html
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