#rdo: RDO meeting - 2022-09-07

Meeting started by jcapitao at 14:07:39 UTC.  The full logs are

Meeting summary

* roll call  (jcapitao, 14:08:52)

* RDO Zed preparation  (jcapitao, 14:09:33)
  * Trunk bootstrap is on-going process  (jcapitao, 14:10:14)
  * client and libs reqchecked already  (jcapitao, 14:10:20)
  * LINK: https://trello.com/c/HuEZMr9q/763-zed-release-preparation
    (jcapitao, 14:11:55)
  * LINK:
    (jcapitao, 14:12:05)

* next chair  (jcapitao, 14:22:13)
  * ACTION: kkula to chair next week  (jcapitao, 14:22:34)

Meeting ended at 14:22:58 UTC.

Action items, by person

* kkula
  * kkula to chair next week

People present (lines said)

* jcapitao (11)
* opendevmeet (4)
* spotz (1)
* kkula (0)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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