#rdo: RDO meeting - 2022-06-01

Meeting started by jcapitao[m] at 14:01:57 UTC.  The full logs are

NOTE: next meeting (i.e 2022-06-08) will be skipped, as OpenInfra Summit 2022
will take place.

Meeting summary

* roll call  (jcapitao[m], 14:02:10)

* Zaqar support - still needed ?  (jcapitao[m], 14:17:15)
  * RDO will move out Zaqar project from tripleo component, but will
    still maintain it  (jcapitao[m], 14:21:55)

* Removal of support of CentOS Stream 8 in RDO Trunk master
  (jcapitao[m], 14:25:53)
  * RDO will keep a weekly status of the FTBFS due to py36 drop support,
    until upstream projects move to CS9  (jcapitao[m], 14:37:48)
  * packages failing to build on CS8 will not be pinned in rdoinfo,
    failures will stay in CS8  (amoralej, 14:40:17)

* Berlin update  (jcapitao[m], 14:47:29)

Meeting ended at 14:52:58 UTC.

People present (lines said)

* jcapitao[m] (13)
* opendevmeet (6)
* amoralej (1)
* spotz (0)

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