#rdo: RDO meeting - 2022-03-30

Meeting started by amoralej at 14:01:32 UTC.  The full logs are

Meeting summary

* roll call  (amoralej, 14:01:39)

* Duck for summit  (amoralej, 14:05:30)
  * LINK: https://www.goodviewind.com/product_detail.php?id=389
    (amoralej, 14:05:45)
  * LINK: https://www.goodviewind.com/product_detail.php?id=388
    (amoralej, 14:06:01)
  * LINK: https://www.goodviewind.com/product_detail.php?id=1488
    (amoralej, 14:06:21)

* RDO Social at the PTG - Tuesday at 17:00 UTC  (spotz_, 14:16:25)
  * LINK: https://eventyay.com/e/d8254248  (spotz_, 14:17:37)

* Yoga release status  (amoralej, 14:21:01)
  * Yoga releases have been created today upstream  (amoralej, 14:21:15)
  * puppet projects are not branched yet  (amoralej, 14:21:30)
  * We agreed with TripleO to get the tags for yoga after PTG
    (amoralej, 14:21:58)
  * LINK:
    (spotz_, 14:24:02)
  * ACTION: amoralej jcapitao kkula to review the announcement etherpad
    (amoralej, 14:25:26)
  * LINK: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/c/rdo-infra/releng/+/36264
    (amoralej, 14:26:21)
  * ACTION: amoralej to check packstack status and branch/release
    (amoralej, 14:30:30)

* Open Room  (amoralej, 14:31:50)
  * AGREED: to cancel next RDO meeting to avoid collision with PTG. Next
    RDO meeting will be on 13th April  (amoralej, 14:38:15)
  * ACTION: kkula to chair next meeting!  (amoralej, 14:40:16)

Meeting ended at 14:48:13 UTC.

Action items, by person

* amoralej
  * amoralej jcapitao kkula to review the announcement etherpad
  * amoralej to check packstack status and branch/release
* kkula
  * amoralej jcapitao kkula to review the announcement etherpad
  * kkula to chair next meeting!

People present (lines said)

* amoralej (92)
* spotz_ (37)
* rdogerrit (8)
* kkula (7)
* opendevmeet (4)
* tkajinam (2)

Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4
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