If you're having trouble with the formatting, this release announcement is
available online https://blogs.rdoproject.org/2020/11/rdo-victoria-released/


RDO Victoria Released

The RDO community is pleased to announce the general availability of the
RDO build for OpenStack Victoria for RPM-based distributions, CentOS Linux
and Red Hat Enterprise Linux. RDO is suitable for building private, public,
and hybrid clouds. Victoria is the 22nd release from the OpenStack project,
which is the work of more than 1,000 contributors from around the world.

The release is already available on the CentOS mirror network at

The RDO community project curates, packages, builds, tests and maintains a
complete OpenStack component set for RHEL and CentOS Linux and is a member
of the CentOS Cloud Infrastructure SIG. The Cloud Infrastructure SIG
focuses on delivering a great user experience for CentOS Linux users
looking to build and maintain their own on-premise, public or hybrid clouds.

All work on RDO and on the downstream release, Red Hat OpenStack Platform,
is 100% open source, with all code changes going upstream first.

PLEASE NOTE: RDO Victoria provides packages for CentOS8 and python 3 only.
Please use the Train release, for CentOS7 and python 2.7.

Interesting things in the Victoria release include:

   - With the Victoria release, source tarballs are validated using the
   upstream GPG signature. This certifies that the source is identical to what
   is released upstream and ensures the integrity of the packaged source code.
   - With the Victoria release, openvswitch/ovn are not shipped as part of
   RDO. Instead RDO relies on builds from the CentOS NFV SIG.
   - Some new packages have been added to RDO during the Victoria release:
      - ansible-collections-openstack: This package includes OpenStack
      modules and plugins which are supported by the OpenStack
community to help
      with the management of OpenStack infrastructure.
      - ansible-tripleo-ipa-server: This package contains Ansible for
      configuring the FreeIPA server for TripleO.
      - python-ibmcclient: This package contains the python library to
      communicate with HUAWEI iBMC based systems.
      - puppet-powerflex: This package contains the puppet module needed to
      deploy PowerFlex with TripleO.
      - The following packages have been retired from the RDO OpenStack
      distribution in the Victoria release:
         - The Congress project, an open policy framework for the cloud,
         has been retired upstream and from the RDO project in the
Victoria release.
         - neutron-fwaas, the Firewall as a Service driver for neutron, is
         no longer maintained and has been removed from RDO.

Other highlights of the broader upstream OpenStack project may be read via

During the Victoria cycle, we saw the following new RDO contributors:

Amy Marrich (spotz)
Daniel Pawlik
Douglas Mendizábal
Lance Bragstad
Martin Chacon Piza
Paul Leimer
Pooja Jadhav
Qianbiao NG
Rajini Karthik
Sandeep Yadav
Sergii Golovatiuk
Steve Baker

Welcome to all of you and Thank You So Much for participating!

But we wouldn’t want to overlook anyone. A super massive Thank You to all
58 contributors who participated in producing this release. This list
includes commits to rdo-packages, rdo-infra, and redhat-website

Adam Kimball
Ade Lee
Alan Pevec
Alex Schultz
Alfredo Moralejo
Amol Kahat
Amy Marrich (spotz)
Arx Cruz
Bhagyashri Shewale
Bogdan Dobrelya
Cédric Jeanneret
Chandan Kumar
Damien Ciabrini
Daniel Pawlik
Dmitry Tantsur
Douglas Mendizábal
Emilien Macchi
Eric Harney
Francesco Pantano
Gabriele Cerami
Gael Chamoulaud
Gorka Eguileor
Grzegorz Grasza
Harald Jensås
Iury Gregory Melo Ferreira
Jakub Libosvar
Javier Pena
Joel Capitao
Jon Schlueter
Lance Bragstad
Lon Hohberger
Luigi Toscano
Marios Andreou
Martin Chacon Piza
Mathieu Bultel
Matthias Runge
Michele Baldessari
Mike Turek
Nicolas Hicher
Paul Leimer
Pooja Jadhav
Rabi Mishra
Rafael Folco
Rain Leander
Rajini Karthik
Riccardo Pittau
Ronelle Landy
Sagi Shnaidman
Sandeep Yadav
Sergii Golovatiuk
Slawek Kaplonski
Soniya Vyas
Sorin Sbarnea
Steve Baker
Tobias Urdin
Wes Hayutin
Yatin Karel

The Next Release Cycle
At the end of one release, focus shifts immediately to the next release i.e

Get Started
There are three ways to get started with RDO.

To spin up a proof of concept cloud, quickly, and on limited hardware, try
an All-In-One Packstack installation. You can run RDO on a single node to
get a feel for how it works.

For a production deployment of RDO, use TripleO and you’ll be running a
production cloud in short order.

Finally, for those that don’t have any hardware or physical resources,
there’s the OpenStack Global Passport Program. This is a collaborative
effort between OpenStack public cloud providers to let you experience the
freedom, performance and interoperability of open source infrastructure.
You can quickly and easily gain access to OpenStack infrastructure via
trial programs from participating OpenStack public cloud providers around
the world.

Get Help
The RDO Project has our us...@lists.rdoproject.org for RDO-specific users
and operators. For more developer-oriented content we recommend joining the
dev@lists.rdoproject.org mailing list. Remember to post a brief
introduction about yourself and your RDO story. The mailing lists archives
are all available at https://mail.rdoproject.org. You can also find
extensive documentation on RDOproject.org.

The #rdo channel on Freenode IRC is also an excellent place to find and
give help.

We also welcome comments and requests on the CentOS devel mailing list and
the CentOS and TripleO IRC channels (#centos, #centos-devel, and #tripleo
on irc.freenode.net), however we have a more focused audience within the
RDO venues.

Get Involved
To get involved in the OpenStack RPM packaging effort, check out the RDO
contribute pages, peruse the CentOS Cloud SIG page, and inhale the RDO
packaging documentation.

Join us in #rdo and #tripleo on the Freenode IRC network and follow us on
Twitter @RDOCommunity. You can also find us on Facebook and YouTube.
dev mailing list

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