
Some time ago we created some Fedora-based repositories in RDO that were
used as testbed for python3 builds until we could finally switch to CentOS

As you probably know, the effort to move to CentOS 8 is done and the fedora
repositories are not longer updated so we will totally remove them from RDO
Trunk server [2] by end of this week.

If you are using any content under [2], please move to use CentOS 8 RDO
repos as soon as possible or let us know if there is something blocking you
to move out of Fedora repos, let us know so that we can look for a proper

Best regards,


[1] https://lists.rdoproject.org/pipermail/dev/2018-May/008715.html
[2] https://trunk.rdoproject.org/fedora/
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