============================== #rdo: RDO meeting - 2020-01-08 ==============================
Meeting started by ykarel at 14:01:59 UTC. The full logs are available athttp://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/rdo_meeting___2020_01_08/2020/rdo_meeting___2020_01_08.2020-01-08-14.01.log.html . Meeting summary --------------- * roll call (ykarel, 14:02:34) * CentOS8 updates (ykarel, 14:08:07) * RDO trunk centos8 master component based repo available at https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos8-master/consistent/delorean.repo (ykarel, 14:08:33) * RDO deps repo for centos8 master available at https://trunk.rdoproject.org/centos8-master/delorean-deps.repo (ykarel, 14:08:43) * CentOS8 jobs are running fine against rdoinfo, weirdo, packstack and puppet projects (ykarel, 14:08:54) * CentOS8 dependencies sync from copr to rdo deps repo is being worked with https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/24274/ (ykarel, 14:09:04) * LINK: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/q/topic:pin-py2 (ykarel, 14:18:08) * LINK: https://review.rdoproject.org/r/#/c/24263/ (ykarel, 14:35:54) * [jcapitao] Requirements improvment plan (ykarel, 14:36:33) * Chair for the next meeting (ykarel, 14:52:22) * ACTION: leanderthal to chair next week (ykarel, 14:52:50) * open floor (ykarel, 14:53:03) Meeting ended at 14:58:45 UTC. Action items, by person ----------------------- * leanderthal * leanderthal to chair next week People present (lines said) --------------------------- * ykarel (89) * amoralej (29) * jcapitao (26) * mwhahaha (8) * leanderthal (6) * openstack (6) * EmilienM (5) * rdogerrit (2) * jpena (1) * dpawlik (1) * rh-jelabarre (1) Generated by `MeetBot`_ 0.1.4 ______________________________________________ users mailing list us...@lists.rdoproject.org http://lists.rdoproject.org/mailman/listinfo/users To unsubscribe: users-unsubscr...@lists.rdoproject.org
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