Promotions * Latest promotion (TripleO CI) for Stein is 27th June while for Master is from 23rd June. * Currently one blocker for master promotion, fix is done, but is not in consistent repo yet. * RDO registry has been upgraded to higher flavor and since than we are not seeing issues related to it.
Deps Update * Facter will be updated to 3.9.3 in stein/rocky/queens. * dumb-init has been added to RDO in Train release. * Ansible has been pushed to 2.8 in Stein CentOS8 * Build loop 0 for CentOS 8 is finished according to * Testing rebuilds of latest fedora SRPM deps using loop 0 CentOS8 builds. Currently we are hitting some issues, mainly with golang packages and py2/py3. CI/Validation * Move rdoinfo gating jobs to utilize CloudSIG repos instead of DLRN ones * * On behalf of RDO
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