Hi, We have started working on synchronizing OpenStack clients from Stein release into Fedora rawhide official repos. The goal is not only updating it in fedora but also removing non required openstack packages on Fedora and automating the process as much as possible.
An initial analysis of the packages that we can remove from Fedora shows that following ones can be safely retired: python-ceilometermiddleware python-keystonemiddleware python-os-win python-oslo-vmware python-oslo-sphinx python-pycadf python-oslo-cache python-cursive python-castellan python-oslo-rootwrap python-oslo-middleware python-oslo-policy python-oslo-reports python-oslo-privsep python-taskflow python-automaton python-microversion-parse python-reno python-osprofile python-oslo-messaging python-oslo-service python-oslo-concurrency I also have doubts about if we should maintain in Fedora: diskimage-builder python-hardware python-gnocchiclient Any opinion about it? I'm documenting the work related to this in https://review.rdoproject.org/etherpad/p/fedora-clients-sync If you have questions or think that retiring these packages from Fedora repos may cause any problem, please let me know on #rdo freenode channel or using RDO mailing lists. Best regards, Alfredo
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