Hello everyone! We're looking for people to spend their precious free time answering questions at the Community booth at the OpenInfra Summit in Denver [0] AND at the Red Hat Summit in Boston [1]. If you're attending either (or BOTH!), please consider spending a few of your free moments with us. Questions run the gamut from "What's RDO?" to "I found a bug in Neutron and need help troubleshooting it."
Of course, you're not expected to know everything and you can always keep IRC open to access the RDO Community for help! Plus, you get cool stuff! If you sign up for three or more shifts, we're going to hook you up with an RDO hoodie. And, yes, we'd love to see your demo! Demos may be live or pre-recorded, but only one demo per shift, so if you're keen, please put an asterix by your name. Reach out to me on IRC (leanderthal) or reply directly for more information. [0] https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/openinfrasummit-denver2019 [1] https://ethercalc.openstack.org/pwmvef8vaz -- K Rain Leander OpenStack Community Liaison Open Source and Standards Team https://www.rdoproject.org/ http://community.redhat.com
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