On 11/6/18 12:11 AM, Alan Pevec wrote: >> ... so I'd keep jewel in 7.6 > > please note this part from centos-devel post: > " If you are planning to keep content available that has gone EOL > upstream, you must commit to backport any required security fixes to > it." > > Not sure if Storage SIG can commit to that, so let's also discuss > planB i.e. if Jewel is dropped, also drop Ocata and Pike in centos > 7.6. > Added to the agenda this week https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/RDO-Meeting thanks for bringing this up and helping with it today during the meeting
I think the conclusion was to keep jewel for 7.6 given it's not EOL yet [1]; it should go EOL when the Ceph Nautilus release goes out, expected roughly 9 months after Mimic (released in june 2018) 1. http://docs.ceph.com/docs/mimic/releases/schedule/ -- Giulio Fidente GPG KEY: 08D733BA _______________________________________________ dev mailing list dev@lists.rdoproject.org http://lists.rdoproject.org/mailman/listinfo/dev To unsubscribe: dev-unsubscr...@lists.rdoproject.org